Monday, September 22, 2008

Ok So I Stole A Bike

When we drove up to Davis, a bike wasn't going to fit into the car. I thought that not having a bike wouldn't be that big of a deal and then the next time my dad or mom came to visit, they could bring a bike. This was fine because I think my dad is coming up October 4th (two weeks from now). Well oh well, cause I found myself a bike.

I was walking back from the dinning hall around noon. Liam had left to check something at the bookstore, and I was almost inside my building when I saw it. This bike was at the end of the bike rake with a lock around its frame, but wasn't locked to the bike rack. It sorta looked locked I guess, but it wasn't fooling me :) I took it out, rolled the wheels to make sure nothing was flat, then I just took off. Lol but I had nowhere to go. I went to the bookstore to find Liam who could help me lock it up, but I had no way of getting inside without getting my bike stolen from me. After not finding Liam, I figured I could go to some discreet bike structure behind our Thompson hall while only taking 2 minutes to run upstairs to get my phone to call someone for a lock. On the way back though, I saw Taylor Lahey throwing a frisbee with another freshmen named Paul. I rode over to say hi and evidentually ended up throwing with them for half an hour. Taylor said he had a lock at his house which we could pick up around one. SWEET. I get a new bike and get to see Taylor's house. AWESOME. lol but really he has a cool house, and I finnally met Tommy McCormmack who is the other captain of the Davis team. Then I rode my bike back home and ran upstairs to get to a important roommate/RA meeting that I ended up being 2 minutes late for.

1 comment:

Stephen Hubbard said...

So was this someone's bike or an obviously disregarded bike? If you think you stole someone elses property that they still wanted this is not cool. Im all for stealing from corporations but not from individuals. It just creates a sense of distrust in the community. (Corporations already dont trust you and they have nothing to gain by trusting you so fuck em) You should leave it in the same spot you found it, with it locked up, with a paper attacked that says " If this is your bike, call me at -your #-. Leave it there for 3 days and if no one responds you can know it was abandoned.

Make sure to quiz any one that responds like, did it get stolen? when? how was it locked before?