Friday, December 5, 2008


First off, I want to admit to stealing two Christmas decoration candles from the DC the last two days. The reason I said that is not because I'm necessarily feeling apologetic, but because I needed a way to introduce the fact that I now have two candles. In lieu of that, I want to tell you that I starting to feel stressed out about finals. The biggest thing that calms my nerves is to light a candle then turn the lights out in my dorm room. I'm not sure if it's instinctual that watching fire calms me, or if it's just preference, but I do want to say that I've found something that works for me.

Now, onto my week. I've been working out a lot. A week or two before I hurt my quad, I had starting lifting weights and doing sprints. Then once I injured myself, I wasn't able to go to the ARC (our campus gym) for fear of hurting my injury even more. I had seen my improvements from my body after working out for a bit, but then once I got into the groove of regularly working out, I wasn't able to work out. Dam it really pissed me off. Even after I started feeling my quad heal, I still had to be smart about running or lifting. That means mostly working core, hip flexors, and arms.

I've gotten better though. I now feel like I've recovered 95ish%, with the rest of the 5% quickly on the way out. I even felt good enough to try practice last Thursday. It was 45 degrees out, and I didn't drop or throw-away the disc (wait maybe once that I admit could have had more touch) all of practice. My quad didn't hurt at all. Come to think of it, the only thing that hurt were my knees which kinda got bruised from doing burpees with Robby and Will the night before (Deck of Cards).

The point I'm trying to make is that I feel like an athlete again. I've got my full range of motion back and I guess that's why I treated myself to working out every single day this week. Yup I am addicted to working out.

Why do I enjoy working out so much now? Well I've got many reasons that I can think of. The easiest way to get them across is in list form:
- I now have direction in working out. I've been learning different workouts from many people who lead me like Taylor, Ashlin, or Robby. This would be compared to what I would do before that consisted of going to the Gym alone and do whatever machine I thought looked cool.
- People who make working out a sport such as my brother Stephen, or
- I made the A team, and I want to be good. I want to be somebodies fantasy pick.
- I realized that I'll probably never live as close to a gym as I do now in my entire life.

I also like what Taylor said last Thursday practice. It was when Roman was leading us in an ab workout, and when things started getting tough, Taylor yelled out, "Do it for her".

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