Thursday, October 9, 2008

Getting Better

In the short amount of time since my last post, I've done a lot of productive things that have made me feel good about myself. After I finished writing my "Ugh" post, Liam told me that we had to schedule an appointment with a person to talk about being written up, so I got the number and called the lady without thinking twice. We scheduled to talk with this guy in the SAC (brick building) on Tuesday at 1. Then Jake called me and I agreed to fill in his spot at a Intramural-Captain meeting at 9:45-10:15 tonight because he can't make it. This makes me happy because I'm able to fulfill these promises I am making to people, and people are being able to rely on me again. After that, I went to Jake's room in Gilmore to pick up "The Game" by Neil Strauss. It's a great book on how to meet women and I think the author writes amazingly well. Walking back to Thompson, I stopped by the junction to put 10 dollars on my WEB Laundry card! Now I'm going downstairs to do a load before ultimate practice at 4. In between now and practice, I plan on focusing my undivided attention to studying chemistry.

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